A late summer bouquet

Choosing the right selection of flowers is the key to a good bouquet


I made this bouquet from flowers and foliage in my garden but if you haven’t got that luxury then there are alternatives available. A good wholesaler will be able to tell you what would be a good choice. Also if you took this list of ingredients below to a British flower grower or an artisan grower then these should be available to pick or buy

Here’s what in it….(apologies for the typo as it should say Spirea not Spyria! I can’t change the typo as I have saved this as a photo…..grrrrr…..sorry)

hannah's bouquet with names of flower close up more exposure -1060376.jpg

If you want to know more about my wedding flower makes, please sign up for my blog below, or better still come on my Wedding Flower workshop set in the beautiful grounds of my home in Cambridgeshire , I show brides and their friends and families how to make their own wedding flowers…stress free! Dates available in April, May and June and an early bird discount of 10%.

See https://balshamhouseflowers.co.uk/natural-wedding-flowers-workshop